Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Project Poster Deliverables(starts 11/19)

1. Making sense to yourself – Visually organize your ideas, key concepts or sources. Metaphorically and literally, piecing together the puzzle that is your project. This is a formal analysis and organization of your project, to the best of your abilities.
2. Making sense to others – clearly represent and communicate your work to your peers and me.
3. Soliciting feedback – this is your opportunity to pose questions to your peers and me (2) and receive written feedback on improving your work.

>You’ll get 2-3min to briefly introduce your topic to the class (projector optional, must be prep’d before class time if you choose to use it.)
>You’ll be standing by your poster, providing more detailed descriptions to rotating groups of your peers. They will have a form to fill out to provide detailed feedback to your project, as well as answer the questions you posed.

Your poster should be able to answer these questions at a glance:
>What's your research question?
>What are the core ideas, concepts, or issues associated w/ the question?
>Who are the key authors/works supporting those core concepts?
>What connections or relationships, if any, exist between the main question and the core ideas, or between the core ideas?

1 comment:

Alani D. said...

Hey Leo! I finally have an angle on my topic. Could you take a look at my most recent post and tell me what you think?